Latin NCAP
Mobile app
Tools we used:

The Company
The Latin New Car Assessment Programme (Latin NCAP) is an automobile safety assessment programme for Latin America and the Caribbean. Founded in 2010, it offers independent information to consumers about the safety levels of new cars in the market. It's supported by the Inter-American Development Bank, the Euro NCAP Programme and similar initiatives around the globe.
Its tests are based in international renown methodologies, with vehicles awarded with a safety rating between 0 and 5 stars, indicating the protection the cars offer to adult and child occupants.
The Project
Our team created a mobile app that is faithful to the LatinNCAP spirit both in design and in features.
The main goal was to deliver an excellent User Experience, and making the information quickly and easily accessible.
The design itself followed LatinNCAP brand guidelines to create a look and feel that is easy on the eyes.
